Let’s embark on a shared mission Towards a greener, more prosperous tomorrow

Let’s embark on a shared mission Towards a greener, more prosperous tomorrow

Zambian Heritage

In a symbiotic collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Zambia, Chillerton unlocks prolific copper and cobalt deposits, while its sustained presence extends far beyond mining. Our tangible impact on Zambian communities, from striving to generate thousands of jobs, promoting sports and building educational facilities underscores our commitment to holistic development. Leveraging our social licence to operate, Chillerton aims to nourish communities, rendering them progressively self-sufficient and minimising their dependency on the mines.

Business with a Human Face

Founded with the goal of serving the people of Zambia, Chillerton has an unwavering commitment to societal service. Our founders played a pivotal role in establishing the Mother Theresa Foundation’s initial orphanages in the region, and remain steadfastly involved in cultivating educational and care facilities nationwide. At Chillerton, we embed our ethos in local value addition, entwining our operations with transparency, responsibility, and integrity.

“Our pursuit is not merely business; it is business conducted with heartfelt humanity”